thoughts on: a discovery of witches by deborah harkness part 2

“It begins with absence and desire. It begins with blood and fear. It begins with a discovery of witches.” In this enchanting tale, Diana Bishop stands as a testament to the strength of a witch and the power of love. So, let us continue to turn the pages of this extraordinary journey, ready to be swept away by the captivating spell woven by Diana’s magic.

The tale of Diana Bishop and Matthew Clairmont is truly captivating. As an enchanted witch, Diana possesses a remarkable power that is both awe-inspiring and mesmerizing. Her strength lies not only in her magical abilities but also in her unyielding determination to uncover the mysteries that lie hidden within the world. Diana, a historian and a staunch believer in science and fact, presents an intriguing dichotomy with the revelation that she is a witch. This combination of intellectual pursuits and supernatural abilities adds a fascinating layer to her character.

Diana’s existence is a delicate balance between the rational world of historical research and the mystical realm of witchcraft. She navigates this duality with a sense of caution and self-preservation, always wary of exposing herself to the potential dangers and consequences that lie within her magical heritage. In her quest for understanding and self-protection, Diana finds herself torn between embracing her true identity and the desire to shield herself from the pain that magic has brought into her life. This internal struggle adds depth and complexity to her character, making her journey all the more captivating and compelling.

When Diana unexpectedly crosses paths with Matthew Clairmont, a mysterious vampire, her world is irrevocably transformed. Matthew, representing everything she has been taught to fear and avoid, becomes a captivating enigma in her life. Despite Diana’s initial hesitations, it is the prejudice and animosity of the surrounding witch community that draw her closer to him. Though Diana herself is not drawn to the world of magic or the supernatural, fate, however, has a different plan for her.

In the beginning of the story, Diana stumbles upon the manuscript of supernatural beings’ creation, a coveted artifact sought after for centuries by Matthew. With trepidation, Diana finds herself at the center of a web of secrets, as the manuscript is pulled into the hallowed shelves of Oxford’s Bodleian Library. Matthew, initially driven by his desire to obtain the book, realizes that Diana may hold the key to its true significance. The young woman, unaware of her own extraordinary destiny, becomes a source of fascination and a possible treasure in Matthew’s immortal existence.

Diana’s family history adds another layer of intrigue to the unfolding story. Her mother, a seer, had used magic to protect and guide Diana until the destined meeting with Matthew. Knowing that dark forces would hunt their daughter, Diana’s mother foresaw the arrival of a black knight with a pure heart, who would become her ultimate protector. Matthew, armed with centuries of knowledge and experience, now stands as that very protector.

“Somewhere in the center of my soul, a rusty chain began to unwind. It freed itself, link by link, from where it had rested, unobserved, waiting for him. My hands, which had been balled up and pressed against his chest, unfurled with it. The chain continued to drop, to an unfathomable depth where there was nothing but darkness and Matthew. At last it snapped to its full length, anchoring me to a vampire. Despite the manuscript, despite the fact that my hands contained enough voltage to run a microwave, and despite the photograph, as long as I was connected to him, I was safe.” p. 196 A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

The bond between Diana and Matthew deepens as they embark on a journey of discovery, driven by their shared passion for knowledge and truth. Against all rational reasoning, love begins to blossom, defying the boundaries imposed by their respective worlds. United in their pursuit of the book’s secrets, they find themselves facing the opposition of all the supernatural creatures who covet the Book of Life.

As the stakes escalate, their love becomes the anchor that holds them firm in the face of danger. Together, they defy convention and confront their own inner demons as they navigate a treacherous path through a world of magic, prejudice, and ancient rivalries. The trials they face only serve to strengthen their bond and solidify their resolve to protect each other and the knowledge they hold.

“Were he not a vampire he wouldn’t have caught her faint, murmured words as she clutched both his ampulla and the fabric of his sweater, her fist resting firmly against his heart. ‘You’re not lost. I found you.’ Matthew wondered fleetingly if he’d imagined it but knew that he hadn’t. She could hear his thoughts … it was only a matter of time before Diana knew everything there was to know about him. She would know his secrets, the dark and terrible things he wasn’t brave enough to face. She answered him with another faint murmur. ‘I’m brave enough for the both of us.’ Matthew bent his head toward hers. ‘You’ll have to be.'” p. 208, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

Their passionate quest for the truth will not only uncover the mysteries of their own pasts but also unravel the secrets of a world long hidden from the prying eyes of mankind. In the midst of chaos, Matthew and Diana stand as beacons of hope, fighting not only for their own survival but also for the existence and harmony of the supernatural realm they inhabit.

Diana is a symbol of resilience, as she navigates the intricate realm of witches with grace and poise. Despite the challenges she faces, she remains steadfast in her quest for knowledge and truth. Her love for Matthew is both tender and fierce, intertwining their destinies in a bond that transcends time and surpasses mere mortal limitations. But it is not just her love for Matthew that defines Diana; she is a force of nature in her own right. Her connection to the elements, the earth, and all living creatures is a testament to her innate power. With every turn of the page, we witness her uncanny ability to harness the forces of nature, embracing her true calling as a witch.The story is beautifully crafted, painting a vivid picture of Diana’s world and the challenges she must face. From the ancient libraries filled with arcane knowledge to the secret covens brimming with hidden powers, Diana’s journey provides a closer glimpse to the allure of the unknown.

“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed.” Albert Einstein

As readers delve deeper into Diana’s intricate tapestry, they are drawn into a world of magic, where witches and vampires coexist in a delicate balance. Her story is a reminder of the remarkable abilites that lie dormant within each of us, waiting to be discovered and embraced. The enthralling blend of adventure, romance, mystery, and intrigue keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly turning each page to unravel the secrets that lie ahead.

“That evening, rowing on the quiet river as sunset turned to dusk, I saw an occasional smoky smudge on the towpath, always slightly ahead of me, like a dark star guiding me home.” p. 61, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

thoughts on: a discovery of witches by deborah harkness part 1

“Equal parts history and magic, romance and suspense, A Discovery of Witches is a mesmerizing and addictive tale of passion and obsession that reveals the closely guarded secrets of an enchanted world.” The tale follows a witch named Diana Bishop who falls in love with the vampire, Matthew Clairmont. Their story weaves adventure, romance, mystery, and intrigue across the pages like twinkling stars. It’s hard to speak of the story without encapsulating both characters’ strengths and passions for discovering the unknown. However, for now we’ll shift the lens solely on Matthew, and explore the great depths and desires of an immortal man.

“Matthew is a man of deep, deep faith. Yes, he is a scientist, too. There is no fundamental incompatibility between the two. Matthew came of age at a time when science and religion were both ways to see into the mind of God, and he has maintained his connection to both through the centuries.” Deborah Harkness

When I think of a man of great faith in stories, Matthew is among the first to come to mind. I find it quite fascinating to explore the idea of a vampire who maintains a strong sense of belief in God. It’s a rather intriguing contradiction. His dedication to the divine frequents my memory when I read about his studies of Darwin’s texts, the Bible, and countless astronomers’ notes.

There are other literary vampires who explore religious texts in their stories. In Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles, we encounter the vampire, Lestat, who, despite his immortal nature, has a deep curiosity and yearning for the divine. The juxtaposition of an eternity-seeking vampire delving into the sacred texts and hidden teachings of faith is truly thought-provoking and captures the imagination in an incredible way. Before being turned into a vampire, Lestat studied to be a monk and dedicated his life to God. However, his father demanded a different path and beat Lestat mercilessly until he abandoned his studies.

Lestat, in the midst of his agony, earnestly sought solace in the presence of Christ, yet he found himself grappling with a profound sense of separation, lamenting, “There is an ocean between Christ and me.” Conversely, Matthew, undeterred by his afflictions under the hands of his father, tenaciously clings to the belief that he remains a human fashioned in the likeness of a loving God.

A vast expanse lies between the divine and himself through traditions’ sake when we read about vampires and holy nature. I appreciate, through the fictional literary lens, that Harkness doesn’t abide by the usual superstitions regarding the supernatural, but instead thrusts her characters into the most intimately vulnerable quests for connection with their Creator. Matthew’s spent centuries studying not only his kind, but witches, daemons, and humans too, all in pursuit of finding the reason for their creation. Following the Christian faith, man is made in the image of God and created to glorify Him and bring others to know Christ and this love of a Heavenly Father.

Regarding this belief, Matthew’s entire existence falls into limbo the moment he becomes a vampire. How does the undead seek everlasting life with Christ? If he’s now immortal, but separated from God, how will he find the answers from the divine? In a way, Matthew’s wonder for purpose reflects man’s search for meaning in our own world. We can shelve the story of Matthew and Diana and go back to the mundane, but the quest for understanding is woven through history. Once you open the door to such questions, you find yourself seeing the connections in everyday life.

Despite the temptation to succumb to his inherent urge for blood, he holds steadfast to his belief that there is still a glimmer of humanity within him, a fragment of the divine that remains untarnished. Afterall, he has been on this quest of knowledge for centuries. Throughout the story, an ampulla is referenced several times which Matthew wears frequently. Harkness uses this as a symbol to show Matthew’s internal struggles as he wears his ampulla as “a reminder of the destructive power of anger.”

“When depicting Matthew’s religious beliefs, it was important to find ways for him to carry his medieval practices into the present. Pilgrimage, atonement, and religious objects like the talisman he wears after he meets Diana were all ways to connect with the deep roots of his faith. In this case, the talisman Matthew wears is a coffin shaped ampulla from Bethany. He purchased it at the shrine to Lazarus during the Crusades. An ampulla was a small hollow charm made out of lead, silver, gold, or even clay designed to hold holy water of oil. Not all pilgrim badges were shaped like ampulla. Some were elaborate filigree, others were shaped like shells as one of the most popular pilgrimage routes (then and now) was the road to Saint-lago de Campostela and the scallop shell was his symbol.” Deborah Harkness

His unwavering faith in the face of his cursed reality is a source of inspiration and intrigue. It raises profound questions about identity, redemption, and the nature of good and evil. Matthew’s willingness to explore the depths of his spirituality, seeking solace and meaning in his own unique way, adds complexity to his character and fuels the narrative with philosophical undertones. He understands his curse as a vampire and struggles with the nature of consuming the life force of his God’s creation. Such a burden pushes Matthew to delve deeper into a never-ending journey to find forgiveness. Salvation is a complicated feat for a vampire, especially one who was made, and then remade into a curse.

In the vast realm of vampire lore, Matthew stands apart from his peers as a nuanced and multifaceted protagonist. His struggle with his monstrous instincts mirrors the internal struggles that many of us face in our own lives. Through him, we are reminded of the constant battle between our better angels and our darker impulses, and the importance of clinging to hope and faith amidst the shadows.

“Absolute faith in religion (praying to altar of the beloved) is immortality, atheism is death, and agnosticism is living. Though the lover is too doubtful to believe he is loved, he cannot commit to the atheism of believing he is not loved at all. He is cursed to be agnostic, wanting to believe he is loved but unsure all together is he is.” Roland Barthes: Love as a Language for The Artifice

Matthew’s profound search for meaning, juxtaposed against his vampiric nature, offers a profound exploration of the human condition. This internal conflict, deeply rooted in his character, propels the story forward and invites readers to reflect on themes of redemption, self-acceptance, and the power of belief. Despite being a vampire trapped in a perpetual struggle with his monstrous nature, his journey is a testament to man’s resilience, as he grapples with the eternal conflict of his existence.

“On this day, All Souls Day, around the year 500 AD, a boy named Matthew was born. He lived in difficult times, and tried to die, only to live again. For more than 1500 years, Matthew has struggled with his personal demons and has represented humanity at its best and worst. He is selfish and selfless, capable of bitter hatred and unconditional love, anger and tenderness, passion and prejudice. He is still, after all these years, a work in progress–just as we all are. Matthew shows us that immortality and wealth are not the answers to any of life’s problems. Absence and desire, blood and fear–they spellbind us all, and make us act against the better angels of our nature.” Deborah Harkness

Matthew Clairmont’s steadfast faith shines as a beacon of light, illuminating the depths of his character and enriching the narrative with profound philosophical questions. His journey presents us with an exploration of the intricacies of human identity and spirituality, reminding us of the power of resilience and the enduring strength of faith, even under the darkest of circumstances.

“I spoke aloud: Give me knowledge of my end and the measure of my days, so I may know my frailty. My lifetime is no longer than the width of my hand. It is only a moment, compared to yours.” p. 318, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness